RICHARD FULFORD WHOSE EXPERIENCES I REPORTED LAST MONTH WITH HIS Cycnoches Richard Brandon, JUST EMAILED ME THAT HE HAD TRIED THIS TREATMENT ON HIS PLANT OF Clowesia Jumbo Grace (Cl Grace Dunn X Cl Rebecca Northen). Unlike the reaction of the Cycnoches, the Clowesia did not lose its fragrance and the flowers began to deteriorate. He took the plant out of the dark and moved it back outside in the 40-60 degree temperatures. He reports that the plant "perked up" and the flowers stopped deteriorating and remained fragrant. Unfortunately when he took it to judging it was passed with the comment that the flowers were past their prime. I can only speculate that perhaps the difference in reaction might be because Cycnoches bear male and female flowers whereas Clowesia are perfect flowers. I would very much like to know how female Cycnoches and Catasetum flowers would react to the darkroom treatment. If anyone has experience with this, please let me know.
Thanks to Richard for his observations and providing me with the information and the picture. Richard's plant illustrates one of the best features of Clowesia - the potential for amazing flowering on a small plant. Richard's plant has 130 flowers. You will note that it is completely leafless which is normal especially for the this hybrid and its parent species.
I just bought one at the orchid show in Naples Florida. It is so fragrant. I love it.